Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rich's Reviews ~ I Saw the Devil (2010)

"Evil Lives Inside."

'I Saw the Devil' deals with a serial killer named Kyung-chul (Min-sik Choi), who meets his match. Soo-hyeon (Byung-hun Lee), the boyfriend of Kyung-chul's latest victim, sets his sights on finding her murderer before the police can. He then has planned a series of torture games for the killer, messing him up psysically in the process.

The film is very professionally made, especially the camera work. A couple of great scenes involved the killer murdering a taxi driver in a moving cab and an awesome fight scene in a greenhouse. Also, well acted by the entire cast. An outstanding performance by Min-sik Choi as the serial killer.

A great psychological horror film with its share of gore and violence. Keeps you interested throughout the story, however the ending is a bit disappointing.

'I Saw the Devil' gets an 8 out of 10.

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