Friday, September 16, 2011

The Bleeding House (2011)

"Grace Will Come To You."

Synopsis: A stranger (Patrick Breen) with mysterious intentions comes to stay the night at a secluded country home, but what he finds inside is a family torn apart by a violent past and a secret more deadly than he expected. 

My Thoughts: The trick to making an effective slower moving thriller comes down to a few essential elements. The first and most important is an interesting story. A story that's not only original, but one that slowly reveals itself and keeps you guessing from beginning to end. 

The second element is the acting, which is definitely one the strengths of this film. I thought the actors were well cast and their performances were somewhat believable. 

Next is the mood. While I did like the film's eerie score and setting (you can never go wrong with a dark old house in the middle of nowhere), I thought the poor lightning in the outdoor scenes really took away from the effectiveness. This seems to be a common problem on smaller budget movies, so I guess we'll just write it off to a lack of funds. 

Finally, there is pacing. A slow burning thriller can only be really effective when it's flame never goes out. 
Unfortunately, this one went dark a few times along the way and lost my attention.

My Rating: 5 / 10

'The Bleeding House' does show some promise with strong performances and a sometimes eerie atmosphere. Unfortunately, the so-so storyline and the director's inability to keep my interest all the way through puts this thriller in my decent but forgettable pile.

You can purchase 'The Bleeding House' on dvd at


  1. HBA Welcome Wagon...
    Wanted to let you know, you part of the Alliance.
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    Jeremy [iZombie]
    HBA Staff

  2. This looks like it'll be an awesome movie.

    Your review sold me :P
